The Aquifer when fracked

The Aquifer when fracked

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Support Senate Memorial 78 Mimi Stewart' Bill

We could use some help from Bernalillo County residents and non profits. Water protectors are everywhere. We hope that everyone can support Senator Mimi Stewart's Senate Memorial 78, 

and the water protection efforts that will follow
The Water Protection Advisory Board (WPAB) of the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) did its job. The WPAB recommended that Albuquerque, Bernalillo County and the ABCWUA adopt oil and gas regulations.  Based on the WPAB letter of recommendation, Senate Memorial 78 advocates for oil and gas regulations in Albuquerque and Bernalillo County. Combined with our efforts in Sandoval County, I believe this is one of New Mexico's best chances to bring water protection to the forefront. This should be a topic of discussion and an important issue in the Albuquerque mayoral campaigns. The incoming mayor will serve on the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority Governing Board and exercise great influence on the future of drinking water for 600,000 users of ABCWUA supplied water. 

It is time to bring Water Protection to the Forefront.

Committee Members

SenatorLinda M. LopezDChair
SenatorJeff SteinbornDVice Chair
SenatorGregory A. BacaRMember
SenatorJacob R. CandelariaDMember
SenatorStuart IngleRMember
SenatorDaniel A. Ivey-SotoDMember
SenatorGerald Ortiz y PinoDMember
SenatorMary Kay PapenDMember
SenatorCliff R. PirtleRMember
SenatorClemente SanchezDMember
SenatorMark MooresRRanking Member
Ask your preferred Mayoral Candidate to support quality water protection regulations. Since most of the ABCWUA drinking water is from the Rio Chama and the Rio Grande drainages, the Water Protection Advisory Board could someday become one of New Mexico's leading drinking water advocates.  All environmental non profits should support this drinking water protection effort by standing for SM 78 and broadcasting to their members the importance of protecting the entire Albuquerque Basin, which is water to nearly a million people.  When it comes to our drinking water, precautionary principles must take precedent. 

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