New Mexico legislators need to hear from you tonight! State Sen. Peter Wirth's Senate Bill 215, which makes it much easier for New Mexico homeowners to finance rooftop solar, energy storage or water-conservation projects (and allows the financing to stay with the house after it's sold), will be heard in the New Mexico
State Senate Conservation Committee tomorrow (Thursday).
Word is that banks have been pressing hard against this pro-solar bill, so we need to flood all the Conservation Committee senators' offices with emails and calls to give them the public support they need to stand up for affordable residential solar and other innovation.
PLEASE CALL AND EMAIL TONIGHT to ask all these senators to support SB215.
Contact information is below. Just tell the person who answers the phone that you are calling to urge Sen. XXX to please vote "Yes" on SB215 to support renewable-energy financing. If there's no answer, please send an email.
Please let us know you called and/or emailed at (A summary of the bill is below.)
Thank you for taking action,
David Coss, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter chair
Senate Conservation Committee
Sen. Joseph Cervantes Las Cruces, D, Chair 505-986-4861,
Sen. Elizabeth "Liz" Stefanics, Cerillos D, Vice Chr, 505-986-4377,
Sen. Ron Griggs Alamogordo, R, 505-986-4369,
Sen. Richard C. Martinez Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, SF, Sandoval, D, 505-986-4487,
Sen. Cisco McSorley ABQ, D, 986-4389,
Sen. William H. Payne ABQ, R, 986-4703,
Sen. William P. Soules Las Cruces, D, 986-4834,
Sen. Peter Wirth Santa Fe, D, 986-4727,
Sen. Pat Woods Curry/Quay/Union Co., R, 986-4393,
SB215: Amendments to the Renewable Energy Financing District Act - The Renewable Energy Financing Districts Act (REFDA) is New Mexico's implementation of the concept known nationally as "PACE" - Property Assessed Clean Energy. With PACE, the installation of a renewable-energy system, energy-efficiency improvements, energy storage, or water-conservation measures may be financed through a local taxing district that creates a special assessment and a lien against the improved property.
Because the PACE lien runs with the property and is superior to almost all other liens, financing can be obtained at favorable rates, even by property owners who have poor credit. The property owner pays off the special assessment financing with the operating cost savings from the improvements, coming out ahead. Offering property owners lower cost and more available financing for energy improvements and water conservation measures is a strong stimulus for local economic development, providing many high quality remodeling and construction jobs, along with environmental benefits. SB215 updates the 2009 REFDA to make it work better for property owners, lenders, vendors, and contractors, and lenders, and puts in place needed protections for consumers
and lenders.
Elaine Cimino
Artist, Educator
The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why. – Mark Twain
A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.
~ Mahatma Gandhi
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